Inscribed in the middle of the Haitian flag is the powerful national motto, L’union fait la force, literally translated in English as, unity creates strength. Indeed, International Action believes that through partnerships with other organizations, our collective work will have a greater impact in our respective target communities. Without a doubt, intra-agency cooperation with various entities has been a key element to our overall success in Haiti’s water and sanitation sector.

As such, we eagerly shared our methods, technology, and expertise to support the efforts of the Portland Professionals – Engineers Without Borders group in their quest to rebuild the water system of the southwestern city of Les Anglais. The local government of this magnificent coastal city has struggled for years to meet the public health needs of its constituents mostly because it had been unable to ensure the proper reconstruction of the water system damaged when a hurricane hit the rural area in 2008.

When we were made aware of the Portland Professionals – Engineers Without Borders’ efforts to reconstruct the water system in Les Anglais, International Action was more than elated to provide free chlorine tablets to disinfect the water. Our help proved to be beneficial to the project. Our chlorine tablets are currently being used in a biodynamic tablet feed chlorinator in the newly reconstructed water infrastructure. An estimated 12,000 people will now drink clean water!

If you’re interested in learning more about Portland Professionals – Engineers Without Borders’ work, you can read their post-implementation report (DOC, 3.5MB).