In the spring of 2017, International Action contracted with a Haitian consulting firm to study the water requirements throughout the commune of Dessalines. A commune in Haiti is roughly comparable to a county within a state in America. IA has been installing chlorination systems there for the last three years.
In addition, we solicited input from the water committees representing the local population. We also evaluated the potential for drilling successfully while providing guidance on where to drill, the best type system to develop, and the positive impact on the community these wells will have.
In their summary, the Consultants determined that of the 45,454 homes within the commune of Dessalines (a population of nearly 200,000), only about 28% had reasonable access to clean water. IA has plans to construct piped water systems that will increase water access to 86% of these homes along with managed latrines to properly dispose of human waste.
Our goals in 2018 are to use this new drill to its maximum capacity and to acquire additional drills and establish additional drill teams throughout the country. This will allow us to see real progress in providing people with clean drinking water.