After spending the first few years installing chlorinators in Port-au-Prince in the West and in the provinces of the Center, International Action has installed its very first chlorinator in the South of the island near Jacmel – a city renowned for its beautiful beaches.
Mesidor is a communal section where the water sources are dried up because of deforestation. Agriculture is the only source of revenue for the population. On the education side, the youth have to go down to the city to continue their studies.
In August 1997, POCHEP (the provincial water agency) built a 94M3 reservoir supplying water for a population of 5000. We have formed a water committee that is also charged of distributing albendazole de-worming pills in the whole region.
One LF 1000 was installed and before our departure the team drank clean treated water, which highly motivated the population. With the immediate change of taste in the water, Dalebrun Esther and our plumbers received a round of applause from the population.