In-Kind Donors

Genesis Network
The Genesis Network helped us procure a large supply of long lasting mosquito nets for the Lafana Institute of Hope, an orphanage in Léogâne, Haiti. More than 500 Haitians—mostly children—will have access to proper and effective mosquito bednets for malaria prevention for the first time in their lives.
Arch Chemicals
Partner since 2005.
Produces the affordable, safe chlorine tablets that are used to disinfect water at our chlorinator sites around the country. One tablet can disinfect up to 25,000 gallons of water. Arch Chemicals also donated granular chlorine to combat the cholera epidemic in 2010. The chlorine was distributed throughout the consortium of 20 groups in Haiti.
Drive for Supplies
A collaborative effort between Montgomery County Public Schools (Maryland) and Learn Shop, Inc. since 1999, Drive for Supplies donated 24 boxes of educational materials to be distributed to schools in Cité Soleil, one of the poorest slums in Haiti, and around the country.
Hach Company
After the January 12, 2010, earthquake, Hach donated chlorine residual test packets to ensure chlorine levels in our water after chlorination and prior to distribution are appropriate for human consumption and continual elimination of harmful bacteria. An additional 50,000 test packets were donated after Haiti’s October 2010 cholera outbreak to help us combat the worst public health catastrophe to hit the country since the quake.
Klean Kanteen
Klean Kanteen supplied our staff in Haiti with stainless steel water bottles.
EarthSpark International
Partner since 2010.
We have acquired a consignment of durable, waterproof Mini-BoGo solar flashlights from our Clinton Global Initiative partner EarthSpark. With the flashlights, water board members will now be able to operate water stations during the night if need be.
Partner since 2005.
Manufactures the chlorinators that we have installed at all of our distribution sites around the country. Norweco has granted us exclusive distribution rights to their chlorinators in Haiti. Norweco also donated granular chlorine to combat the cholera epidemic in 2010. The chlorine was distributed throughout the consortium of 20 groups in Haiti.
P & G's Children's Safe Drinking Water Initiative
P & G’s Children’s Safe Drinking Water Initiative donated one pallet of 116,325 PuR calcium hypochlorite sachets distributed to locations where we cannot immediately install chlorinators. Each sachet can clean up to 10 liters of water.
Patagonia donated rain jackets and water proof storage bags for hurricane season for our staff in Haiti.
Sumitomo Chemical
Sumitomo Chemical USA supplied long-lasting insecticidal Olyset mosquito nets for our staff in Haiti and for the Lafana Institute of Hope, a home for more than 1,000 orphans, children, women, and elderly in Léogâne. These nets will provide life-saving malaria prevention for these at-risk Haitians.
The UNICEF WASH Cluster donated water and hygiene supplies and equipment, including water bladders, hygiene kits, water containers, and safety supplies. These materials were distributed to communities in need around Port-au-Prince and Léogâne.
Vestergaard Frandsen
Vestergaard Frandsen supplied mosquito nets for our staff in Haiti.